OTE Group aims at reducing the environmental impact of its activities, at providing products and services that contribute to environmental protection also in other sectors of the economy, and at raising public awareness to adopt a more responsible attitude to environmental protection. Cosmote e-Value as a member of the OTE Group, follows this strategy.
Recycling Program in Buildings
OTE Group implements an internal recycling program in buildings. The program, which encourages the recycling of waste generated in offices, is based on the sorting–at–source principle, with centralized waste collection and management. Through the implementation of the program, OTE Group contributes to the achievement of the national targets for packaging materials recycling, in a documented way, while raising environmental awareness of their employees. The scope of the program covers about 7,000 employees in 15 buildings. The equipment that has been installed up to now includes 178 recycling stations and 2,940 paper recycling bins. When designing the expansion of the program (June 2015), a survey was conducted in the 6 buildings that were then participating in the program. The scope of the survey (in which more than 600 employees participated) was to find out the employees’ opinion on program implementation issues, with a view to identifying good practices as well as areas for improvement and corrective actions. According to the results of the survey, more than 96% of the participants consider the program significant in raising awareness regarding recycling and its benefits. In addition, 81% of the participants is well aware of the scope and the characteristics of the program, while 93% evaluates positively the functionality of the equipment installed. In 2015, 91.5 t were recycled, of which 77.7 t paper, 7.6 t plastic, 300 kg aluminum, 2.1 t ink cartridges and 3.8 t other packaging materials, as well as 388 kg home electric and electronic